The fallow-deer......and the leveret



The first snowfall

At the beginning of November the bright colors of woods, which represent the autumn season, join themselves to the blinding white of the first snowfall that overlays the highest tops of the mountains. On the background there's the chair-lift named "Pulpito". In foreground there are the church and the Park Hotel.




The frozen lake

This little lake is obtained taking a part of water of Solda river and during winter, on account of low temperatures (often -20°C), its surface becomes frozen.






The fountain

Every year, near the lake, Solda's inhabitants builds a beautiful fountain made of ice that "survives" until the end of April.





Don't behave as some kind of person that without fear tries to make themselves hit by the pieces of the fountain...






The old church

This little church was erected in XIV century and is decorated with some pictures and some latin inscriptions. Miners used this church and in the little gaveyard that sorrounds it there still are some old graves.






A white blanket

The soft snow that overlays everything gives to the valley a lot of silence and is a white blanket for animal's lethargy. 






The Gran Zebrů (3851 m)

Even if the Gran Zebrů is lower than Ortles, it bewitches tourists for his majesty and it's an irresistible attraction for climbers that love its steep wall.






The sky

The cold winter days often offer a violet sky that opposes at the blinding white of the snow.




